I can careless what someone thinks about it especially over the Internet. You shouldn't care either. If you have done your dd on the company, management, and the entertainment industry, then you know it's not a easy feat to become successful. As you recall, the lawsuit from last year really hurt the share price and its shareholders. If it's anyone to blame, it wouldn't be the management. They have worked hard for the distribution channels, and production partnerships. Due to the well known and experienced management, they were able to pull off those deals. Given anyone else, they wouldn't even be able to overcome the lawsuit, alone create distribution and production deals.
Like I said many times, I'm not too fond of trading or investing in penny stocks. But WRIT is the only exception due to their management team. I would put my money on John Diaz or any man or woman that has a degree from MIT. Eric Mitchell also has the experience, knowledge, and credibility as well. I believe 2013 is the year for FRN/WRIT.
Be patient.