10:49a ET December 21, 2011 (Business Wire)
Church & Crawford, Inc. (OTC : CCWF) have recently announced the securement of the global licence to use the technology and patents of the Orexis application. The mobile application has been developed for anyone who requires to talk to a service provider at any point, in essence Four billion people globally.
The customer contact experience with service providers has moved from a face to face interaction in the early 90's to the centralised model, commonly known as call centres. Service providers did this to centralise their functions and attempt to standardise and ultimately reduce their cost base to their customers. Whilst this, financially, proved to be a successful model, the impact to customer service was not assessed with the same focus. This presented a big challenge for companies to provide better customer services through their call centres. Service providers invested Billions in technology and infrastructure in an attempt to provide a better customer experience. Despite the internet & technology revolution there has been no great enhancement in the call centre platforms and methods of interactions with the end customers, until now.
The Church Crawford mobile solution answers many of the challenges today, by providing the first mobile application to integrate fully into a call centre infrastructure or providing a new call centre platform for service providers. The infrastructure spend globally of call centres runs into Billions, with the majority of the spend being on the human resource and the rest on technology.
Service providers, through the implementation of the Church Crawford application can save in excess of 40% of their cost base, increase customer satisfaction and for the first time ever be able to leverage on an advert model built within the application to create a real revenue source for their organisation.
At the same time service providers are able to lower costs, the application provides a key success factor for the enhancement and growth of a company's services and customer base. The Church Crawford application is revolutionary in terms of it being the first global software company to be providing a call centre experience for users on their mobile and hand held devices. Church Crawford have a clear strategy on deployment, support and further development of the application.
Director of CCWF, Seijin Ki, states, "From the research and service provider feedback that we have through our application provided solution for both service provider and more importantly the customer. There have been many technology applications and companies in the call centre industry that have been quickly snapped up at phenomenal valuations. We are expecting to exceed any previous valuation seen within the industry."