today's version .. and pretty much almost every trade went off hidden
trades .. spot the obvious and the 9:30 start ..
note to self .. 33800 + 200 + 1000 + 15000 = 50,000
15:39:11 0.024 1000 OTO .. @ UC ask NC on *size* ..![]()
15:38:43 0.01905 1000 OTO .. mirrored of ask hit .. hidden
14:36:08 0.014 33800 OTO .. curious to see if claimed (either side)
14:35:40 0.01509 5000 OTO .. mirrored of a mirror
12:08:34 0.016 5000 OTO .. mirrored of marked
12:08:34 0.01905 5000 OTO .. marked
10:06:24 0.016377 300 OTO .. hidden
09:43:16 0.01725 2385 OTO .. hidden
09:30:13 0.0131 200 OTO .. marked
09:30:08 0.0102 50 OTO
09:30:08 0.0102 147 OTO
CDEL 0.013 803,400 14:37
NITE 0.0105 20,000 09:41
CANT 0.0102 10,000 08:30
CSTI 0.01 10,000 08:30
VNDM 0.005 10,000 12/18
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 07:35
ETRF U 0 09:22
CDEL 0.024 34,225 14:37
CANT 0.037 10,000 08:30
CSTI 0.037 10,000 08:30
NITE 0.0399 35,000 09:30
VNDM 0.051 10,000 12/18
ETRF 0.129 96,000 09:30
MAXM 200.00 1 07:35
will update accordingly