JSL, I think first and foemost they are getting paid to do the bashing. When you think about it for a while, why would anyone take the time to bash a stock sitting at .0003 so much? Some ridicule it, but it tells me a large possibility that there are some truly badly stuck short on BCAP. I have mentioned on the board here a couple of times that the interest in BCAP is still there and still significant as evidenced on boardmarks on iHub, still over 400. Large positive material event news is gonna cost somebody big and they are working overtime to stop it, not gonna work however.
Second, this Joe Elkind guy I think is behind some as well. I think he is using his "tools" to try and bait Matt into a lawsuit for a couple of reasons. If he had "any" kind of case at all, any merit at all, this losers history suggests he would have sued Matt long ago.
Third, possibly some kind of personal vendetta as well from the "tools" . I think Fit is just a paid moron, but MVP seems to have a personal vendetta be it from real or imagined actions.
A forth that maybe some don't readily see is Mikey. He could be behind none, some or all of this. His only intention is to keep BCAP in a two or three tick channel. All that amount of large asks and bids you see moving back an forth, is most likely him. Don't put one iota of belief in anything he says, his entire motive is to keep flipping BCAP. Me thinks that is about to come to an abrupt end.
The assorted ankle biters, stemcell, hellcatjr, dahbmw, shmoopster, etc are just background noise trying to seem relevant. They wiill be gone like bugs on the windshield shortly.
In the end it is all about money on one side or another as no one would spend this kind of time or effort on a bad stock. They gonna find out real soon that they are on the wrong side of this, but then again their actions tell me they already know that.
Get your popcorn and favorite beverage, this is gonna be fun.