Meow has received a reply form big tod and has also received permission to repost it here. I would also like to post it on Facebook if big tod says it OK. Anyway here is the post. Thank you big tod for the time you took to reply.
Stopped by on my way home from snow skiing. ML is north of I 70 11 miles I live 500 miles from Denver so after holding stock for about two years now I thought since I'm this close I would stop and see if the place was even open it was. I met the hole staff there is three of them don't remember the women's name but talked to Stu and met Paul I'm pretty sure that was his name was there at the most 15 minutes. Took no photos got no brochures. Stu told me he had the device put on in California and that it did indeed get a extra 2 miles to the gallon but takes to long to install. Takes 19 hours for a installation of course there is a learning curve from the first time one dose this to the 20th time. His big thing is trying to get the trucking side going strong again he feels very strongly that now is the time to expand the operation but needs a influx of cash to do so.He is waiting on Ray Brown to get this cash and if he Ray comes through with the money it will be a good thing for all involved. Before the 2008 economic collapse Stu was averaging 2.3 ml a month in revenue says with the rite funding the revenue would grow past the 2.3 ml a month.The only reason I'm here is because there is two possible ways of this working out the fuel saving device and the trucking part it's self.Hope one of the two or both work out.I have 6 ml shares even and that's where I'm staying done buying if I can't make money on that then just another penny stock that didn't make it. That's it in a nut shell had the wife my daughter and son in law waiting in the car and a 500 mile drive left had already drive 200 miles down out of the mountains
. It's real and Stu And Ray are really working to make something out of this now we wait and see if the two of them succeed.
GL sn95