An excellent post covering issues of concern to many
regarding this part
But the better answer to these "erratic MMs" is to up-list as soon as possible. The volatility will continue here on the OTC and may even get "worse" (both up and down). Traders always try to use the MMs manufactured volatility to their advantage here in the wild-west, but longer-term investors just get tummy aches. The only way to get a fair(er) shake is by getting on a "real" exchange (Leo should consider starting now to be ready with requirements for when the SP stays above $2 for 30 days
I could not agree more with your position but I believe Mr Ehrlich could care less. He lives in a different world from most here
1)the value of his position has balooned from $18 million to $100 million and then backed off to $68 million
2)the value of his position in about a year might be as high as $1.5 billion
3)I believe he considers short run machinations in the SP to be noise