this is just so typical of what *imo* the visual reveals when NR is UPSIDE DOWN
Nite relo/d to 72c (3000 size) @ approx 2:21 .. that lasted about 20 minutes
b4 Nite UC ask again to 715c @ approx 2:43
trades since noon ..
15:05:13 0.71 1100 OTO
14:22:42 0.71 1000 OTO
14:21:59 0.71 3400 OTO
14:21:46 0.71 2850 OTO
14:04:16 0.71 1000 OTO
14:00:49 0.715 550 OTO .. @ Nite's ask
13:50:16 0.71 1000 OTO
13:31:56 0.71 1000 OTO
13:19:42 0.71 2000 OTO
13:14:13 0.71 1000 OTO
13:05:23 0.705 200 OTO
13:05:14 0.7075 50 OTO
13:05:10 0.7137 1000 OTO
12:42:33 0.71 3000 OTO
12:42:18 0.715 2000 OTO .. @ Nites ask NC 1000 size
12:42:13 0.71 1000 OTO
12:27:33 0.71 3000 OTO
12:23:51 0.715 1000 OTO .. @ Nite's ask NC 1000 size
12:18:46 0.705 2000 OTO
12:18:43 0.71 1000 OTO
12:16:22 0.71 3000 OTO .. mirrored
12:15:50 0.715 3000 OTO .. @ Nite's ask NC 1000 size
12:10:14 0.71 2800 OTO
note the volume avgs .. even after back to back *volume days*
the 90 day avg isn't as easily manipulated as the 10 day is ..
IPIX Volume 179,303
Volume (10 day Average) 190,927
Volume (90 day Average) 161,968