All Stock Alerts 1/11 - 1/12 | 105 Alerts on 22 stocks
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Promoted Stocks in alphabetical order
Stock: ADXS - 6 Alert(s)
Gain today: 30.77% | First Trade: 0.052 - Last Trade: 0.068 | Low: 0.052 - High: 0.075 | Trades: 161 | Volume: 1001840$
Stock: BBLU - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 5.08% | First Trade: 1.18 - Last Trade: 1.24 | Low: 1.17 - High: 1.25 | Trades: 31 | Volume: 116463$
Stock: BDLF - 4 Alert(s)
Gain today: 38.89% | First Trade: 0.0072 - Last Trade: 0.01 | Low: 0.0071 - High: 0.0135 | Trades: 101 | Volume: 93782$
Stock: BMSN - 3 Alert(s)
Gain today: 53.33% | First Trade: 0.0015 - Last Trade: 0.0023 | Low: 0.0015 - High: 0.0024 | Trades: 195 | Volume: 609815$
Stock: EDVP - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -12% | First Trade: 0.0625 - Last Trade: 0.055 | Low: 0.055 - High: 0.065 | Trades: 12 | Volume: 4842$
Stock: EKNL - 2 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.32 - Last Trade: 0.32 | Low: 0.3 - High: 0.32 | Trades: 11 | Volume: 11825$
Stock: ERBB - 4 Alert(s)
Loss today: -4.76% | First Trade: 0.0042 - Last Trade: 0.004 | Low: 0.0038 - High: 0.0044 | Trades: 91 | Volume: 150899$
Stock: EXM - 6 Alert(s)
Gain today: 2.33% | First Trade: 0.7134 - Last Trade: 0.73 | Low: 0.6907 - High: 0.7394 | Trades: 166 | Volume: 611789$
Stock: FCEL - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 3.31% | First Trade: 1.21 - Last Trade: 1.25 | Low: 1.21 - High: 1.3 | Trades: 349 | Volume: 5662506$
Stock: GBEN - 23 Alert(s)
Gain today: 12.5% | First Trade: 0.04 - Last Trade: 0.045 | Low: 0.035 - High: 0.057 | Trades: 144 | Volume: 518909$
Stock: HUSA - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 21.47% | First Trade: 0.2552 - Last Trade: 0.31 | Low: 0.2552 - High: 0.33 | Trades: 251 | Volume: 1851233$
Stock: NWTR - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 6.06% | First Trade: 0.66 - Last Trade: 0.7 | Low: 0.621 - High: 0.72 | Trades: 64 | Volume: 129589$
Stock: OBJE - 2 Alert(s)
Loss today: -3.85% | First Trade: 2.08 - Last Trade: 2 | Low: 1.99 - High: 2.14 | Trades: 37 | Volume: 76190$
Stock: ORGC - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.265 - Last Trade: 0.265 | Low: 0.265 - High: 0.265 | Trades: 2 | Volume: 159$
Stock: RBCC - 2 Alert(s)
Loss today: -17.65% | First Trade: 0.85 - Last Trade: 0.7 | Low: 0.61 - High: 0.85 | Trades: 43 | Volume: 87714$
Stock: RITE - 5 Alert(s)
Loss today: -28.33% | First Trade: 0.6 - Last Trade: 0.43 | Low: 0.35 - High: 0.61 | Trades: 36 | Volume: 59166$
Stock: TRLI - 7 Alert(s)
Gain today: 31.82% | First Trade: 0.11 - Last Trade: 0.145 | Low: 0.11 - High: 0.145 | Trades: 51 | Volume: 30937$
Stock: TUCN - 26 Alert(s)
Loss today: -6.67% | First Trade: 0.03 - Last Trade: 0.028 | Low: 0.0255 - High: 0.069 | Trades: 156 | Volume: 521174$
Stock: TXCC - 2 Alert(s)
Gain today: 28.47% | First Trade: 0.7395 - Last Trade: 0.95 | Low: 0.73 - High: 0.97 | Trades: 206 | Volume: 1305695$
Stock: USGT - 5 Alert(s)
Loss today: -2.86% | First Trade: 0.7 - Last Trade: 0.68 | Low: 0.39 - High: 0.7 | Trades: 273 | Volume: 4417572$
Stock: VTMB - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -29.8% | First Trade: 0.0869 - Last Trade: 0.061 | Low: 0.061 - High: 0.0869 | Trades: 5 | Volume: 1351$
Stock: ZNGA - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 4.44% | First Trade: 2.48 - Last Trade: 2.59 | Low: 2.47 - High: 2.6218 | Trades: 477 | Volume: 92941373$