(Total Views: 177)
Posted On: 10/07/2017 3:35:35 PM
Post# of 124815
Bob Mueller May be Watching the Pee Tape RIGHT NOW
I don't have the heart to post ALL of The Ferret's musings, so just some 'best of' and a link:
Call me when James Mattis gets caught on tape calling Drumpfy a Dickless, Shit-for-Brains, Piss-Coated, Gas Station Bathroom Plunger, and we'll talk, is all I'm sayin'.
Boisterous Bob Mueller's team met with Christopher Steele of the famous Steele Dossier. Word is, the intelligence community has been taking the dossier more seriously than they previously let on, isn't that curious? My working theory is that the Pee Tape is real, but Mueller's passed it off to Lin-Manuel Miranda to punch it up with a few songs.
Now, you just KNEW there was no way the Shart could pull off a Hispanic Heritage Month event without embarrassment, but even I wasn't prepared for his, um, "accent," holy hell. At least Kelly activated the shock collar before he launched into his West Side Story cabaret act.
Anyway, the Walking Liposuction Bag officially made it so your employer can decide that you're too much of a filthy sex-having hoor to have your birth control covered by your health insurance.
They went so far as to openly talk about birth control promoting "risky sexual behavior" like female autonomy and ankle-showing and what have you. This must be that "small government" the conservatives are always going on about.
And congrats are in order for the Marmalade Shartcannon, as his approval hit a brand spankin' new record low today! 32%, with 67% disapproving! Shit, Donnie...tonight you can have THREE scoops. And since you've fallen to just 67% approval among REPUBLICANS, well...have yourself some sprinkles.
Hey, Roy Moore's biggest donor wants the South to Rise Again and secede and start the kind of "Christian" nation where they stone gays to death and there are certainly no black Presidents and it's probably even some poor woman's job to give Steven Miller a handy once a week.
Dear GOD I wish that race was happening ANYWHERE but Alabama. Still, it's closer that it has any right to be...do Shower Cap a solid and send a few bucks Doug Jones' way, will ya?
CNN reports that General Kelly has, in 3 short months, been reduced to sitting at his desk, mumbling how he's "getting too old for this shit," because Shart Wrangling is a tough, tough job. It's like that bit in KRAMER VS KRAMER, only instead of making breakfast, you're trying to prevent global thermonuclear war. “
Congresshypocrite Tim Murphy resigned, over the whole abortions-should-be-legal-but-my-mistress-needs-to-get-an-abortion-right-fucking-now thing. Scott Desjarlais' over in the corner, hoping nobody notices he's still there.
Well, naturally the lunatic fringe continues spreading conspiracy theories that the violence in Charlottesville was staged by Obamaite forces funded by George Soros in order to make conservatives look bad, but don't worry, these ideas certainly never wind up parroted by actively serving Republican Congressdopes. HAH HAH FOOLED YOU of course they do.
We also have some novel theories on the causes of the mass shooting in Las Vegas. Jeffrey Lord blames abortion. In a bit of particularly amusing logical gymnastics, Jim Inhofe blames sanctuary cities because...brown people MUST be to blame for an old white dude opening fire on an enormous crowd full of human beings...they just MUST be.
(Oklahoma, have you ever considered asking your Senators to pass fifth grade reading comprehension tests?)
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