Then why do you do it? Why dedicate hundreds / thousands of hours a year to PTOI?
i've noted the answer to this ? numerous times over many years ... i wanted to
learn what was being done and how .. (the why to me even back in late 2007
was beyond obvious even as an unsophisticated retail investor)
there are algos done daily on any *equity* (no longer .. and hasn't been for years
now .. the sole province of just the OTC) .. this can be observed if one wants to note volume and tapes of trades
i track data on every company (regardless of where *traded*) i'm actually invested in
and my awareness over the last decade has changed my *handling* of my investments
it requires both time and effort but as i have noted via another SMB here on ihang
what took hours a few years ago .. now takes minutes because of what patterns
get shown .. specifically re: OTC .. when X entity/s are upside down
it is a remarkably revealing *tell or pattern* that gets played out specific to OTC survivors
note that just because an OTC company has *survived* years of NRs' efforts .. there is
no guarantee that the company will survive going forward
re: exchange traded stocks .. i have evolved my very old school thinking of being a long term investor ..
(i.e. no trading) to evolving (based on my total disgust how the SEC *works*)
to now building a core holding of shares and then trading via GTCs .. a % of that core
based on DD and about 8 years now of *pattern watching*
so for example CLDR .. bought @ IPO !5.00~ (1000 shares) sold 500 @ 23.00
first go round .. re-bought 500 @ 16.00 on first round of resets back down
(so total CB was 15,000.00 .. sold 500 @ 23.00 = (11,500.00) .. re-bought
500 @ 16.00 (8,000.00) .. and then via 2 GTCs sold 750 of the 1000 @ 22.
(day last set of fins being reported AHs) and change for the last go round ..
based on always knowing what is in play and always taking the time
to always listen to corporate CCs .. and investor conferences thru out the Q
including the knowledge of lock ups and secondary offerings *in play* .. while
i consider myself an investor in Cloudera .. and I do have 2 GTCs set for next
round .. which imo is currently underway (just like i noted about GIGL on vehicle
of choice being turned 6 months ago) .. intent will be to have 1000 back in core
for the next round ..
why volume avgs matter .. note the obvious .. i watch for volume being held in a specific % range .. courtesy of AI and algos ..
this isn't retail .. it never has been .. but it is math .. first group (invested with GTCs) .. exchange traded with active *cycles* always in play ..
Volume (10 day Average) 85,343
Volume (90 day Average) 86,679
Volume (10 day Average) 20,579,404
Volume (90 day Average) 21,999,799
Volume (10 day Average) 1,800,541
Volume (90 day Average) 1,837,777
Volume (10 day Average) 6,715,002
Volume (90 day Average) 5,692,292
Volume (10 day Average) 1,669,471
Volume (90 day Average) 1,696,625
====================== 2nd group .. OTC investments .. all *imo* NR upside down and to this day .. *survivors*
Volume (10 day Average) 383,114
Volume (90 day Average) 290,992
Volume (10 day Average) 163,999
Volume (90 day Average) 176,646
Volume (10 day Average) 124,252
Volume (90 day Average) 111,981
Volume (10 day Average) 108,414
Volume (90 day Average) 227,901
Volume (10 day Average) 23,090
Volume (90 day Average) 75,591
there is far more .. but it's all been noted by me many times over .. i am only
one shareholder out of 1000s .. the only aspect i control re: my investment in
P2O is whether i hold/sell or buy PTOI .. my DD .. and my risk/reward tolerance
for me it always comes back to the same key aspects in play since 2009
founder's tech (indy validation and permitting)
former director's documentation .. which imo forced change
current ceo's multi millions' infused .. company remains compliant with an almost
unheard of share structure
and the biggie .. actual P2O investors .. who have drawn their respective lines in the sand