And I think that's nonsense. If two companies wish to do business with JBII, as an example, and set up a similar RKT-like JV....
Once proven....
Guess who spells out the terms?
JBII to company A & B: "here's our terms. Take it or kiss our collective asses and keep paying to dispose of your plastic waste instead of saving money AND getting a fuel discount like RKT does"
You obviously never took a basic economics course. There's a reason I still have to pay my garbage company to take my recycle-grade plastic. And that's because I don't have a choice. I can either choose to do business with the one company on the planet willing to come to my house. Or not. I have to accept their terms. Or not.
JBII will offer future RKT-like companies an option that they can take or leave. When you're the only game in town, it's a sellers' market and the sellers make the rules.
JBII is the only game in town. The only way plastic waste has a prayer of becoming a commodity is if there's multiple viable competitors AND enough of them to absorb all of it. As of now, the outlook for that does not look good. The 2nd best is Agilyx, and they're an extremely unviable joke.