Northstar chooses expert consulting firm, Sharper Edge Sales and Marketing Group to take its product line to the next level.
2013-01-08 08:30 ET - News Release
HOLBROOK, N.Y., Jan. 8, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Northstar Global Business Services, Inc. Symbol (OTCPink: MDIN), today announced it has signed an agreement to retain Atlanta based Sharper Edge Sales & Marketing Group[R], an expert in all aspects of retail product sourcing, sales and marketing to take the company's popular alternative healthcare products to the masses. With Sharper Edge's extended reach, years of experience, and many previous retail successes, Northstar is sure that they are the right team for the job. Sharper Edge Sales & Marketing Group[R] has many years of experience taking products from concept to the shelves of big retail chains like Wal-Mart and Home Depot. Their expertise in almost all aspects of the manufacturing and retail distribution of products will assure that Northstar will take proper advantage of the ground it has gained so far and push it the final distance it needs to go. Northstar's CEO, Nick Chieco explained, "We have been extremely lucky so far, and we have gotten by on pure determination with little real world retail-product experience, so I knew we needed to bring on industry experts now to assure that we do not lose any opportunity because of a learning curve." He went on to say, "I am proud enough to admit what I know, and we all want this bad enough to admit what we do not know, and we do not know this process like Sharper Edge does. With them on the project, I have no doubts that Northstar will be a massive global supplier of alternative healthcare products in very short order." "We are very proud that Northstar has entrusted our team with their products and their future, and we are very confident that we will far exceed everyone's expectations," said Andrew Wonder, Sharper Edge's CEO.