RTG Ventures Updates on Pulse Station and Brand Entertain Acquisition
2012-05-23 15:02 ET - News Release
NEW YORK, May 23, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- RTG Ventures, Inc. (OTCQB: RTGV) has today announced an update for shareholders as the company continues to execute its business plan.
Following the recent audio interview with Reggie James and Steve Baughman, the company will be releasing a peripheral customer facing website that will take place in the next 24 hours. Commenting on the release, Reggie James, SVP Marketing & Communications said, "Though Pulse Station's core is all about the management and analytics engine that sits in the heart of the platform, it can be challenging for investors to get a feel for the essence of the platform. Therefore the customer site will evolve over time and act as a portal to feed into the objectives of the system." James went on to say, "With input from Steve Baughman and Interoperability being built-in to strengthen the relationship with RTG's strategic business partners, the infrastructure of the platform is evolving at a very exciting pace."
Updating the public information available on the Brand Entertain acquisition, the company has issued a statement saying that, "The attorneys are now documenting the Share Purchase Agreement between RTG and Brand Entertain. The terms will be available shortly, generally following the same approach as the acquisition of Stylar Limited a/k/a Digital Clarity. The agreement will be filed as an 8-K. Linda Perry is heading to LA for final draft review scheduled for Friday, May 25. These transactions take time to be done properly and RTG is committed to transparency and moving forward to being a leader in the digital media space. "