Nothing has changed in the fundamentals of this stock. It still could be the wealth-making investment of a lifetime.
I do not believe that the largest shareholder in this stock, the CEO, is willfully and without reason withholding information. Rather, I believe that he is honoring the agreement that was made with Dana-Farber, that THEY control when data is released.
The most disastrous thing that could happen for CTIX would be a preliminary release of data before the standards of scientific research have been met. I for one (a biology major in college) do NOT believe that there is as yet sufficient information to warrant any kind of data release.
As I have stated here before, I think that the next major news event will have to do with Prurisol. When Dr. Reddy's and CTIX announce that a sample of Prurisol has been sent to the FDA for purity evaluation so that human trials can commence, THAT should trigger the next big move upward.