Your post is really a good one, mcwatson, because THIS IS THE KIND OF INFO by the which we can really learn what are the best options & paths to walk in. So, and just a little bit contrary to what smoke_em said, it DOES matter where we trade, ''and how we got there!'' So, from your perspective, an R/S COULD BE a good option (for us), but only if the pre-existing share structure issues were honestly & fairly addressed concerning ''us pre-existing share holders''; that is to say, those of us who currently are & those of us who have been ''for some time'', or whatever length of time, already invested in the KMAG ticker. For I expressly agree with you, that whatever course or path/remedy that JR takes, that it should NOT AT ALL HARM ANY PRE-EXISTING SHAREHOLDER, but rather only enhance his ''position'' because of having been (perhaps) LONG WITH HIM THROUGH THICK & THIN!!! For I am quite sure that along those lines that there are dozens & dozens of major share holders, such as Toymaker, duelittle, tacosnoop, jaimerodriquez, museman, huntewr7, chambers, elvis, etc, all who would concur with that opinion.
I might add here an opinion shared with me via Carna4z, in response to me because of some negative concerns that I had back in JUNE-JULY, when there was a lot of debate about the possibility of an R/S: When I privately asked him how high the R/S ratio might be, if there was one, because I am quite fearful of them, generally speaking. And so he told me, in his best judgment & experience, and founded on the kind of learning & experience such as lowman, or that the ''old broken azz'' might have, that ''if there was one, an R/S, that is, that it probably would not exceed 10 to 1, and probably what is more likely, that it would be around 5+ to 1, AND NOT TO WORRY ABOUT IT! Because if it were to happen, that the pps would probably soon enough rise to .10+ per share, the which if that were to concurrently (soon enough) happen, that it would more than compensate for any person's reduction in share count, by the concurrent (soon) raising the share price, so that they would STILL have the same cash dollar amount, such as they had before any such split occurred. And he also offered the opnion that JR might just do such a thing, but ONLY IF IT WOULD ENABLE HIM TO GET UP INTO A HIGHER & BETTER EXCHANGE, such as the OTC.QX or .BB, etc. He also reminded me that he is of the same opinion as is lowman, the which is: ''that this particular pink stock company & CEO, Jaime, may very well be the single BEST & MOST HONEST pink stock investment that he has ever come acrost in (his) almost 30 years of trading professionally''. He also told me to not be afraid to invest a $100 or $200 a month in it (then & now), as all it is going to do is to increase in value over time. He also shared with me that he holds a substantially large long position (via his ''free shares''), but that he has also made a GREAT deal of money via the ST trading of it along the way.'' Well, forwhatever this post is worth to anybody, I submit it to you ''for your own rumination''. I have already ruminated much information like this, ''and have found it to be very tasty grass & alfalfa, indeed! I hope that it will be for ''you'', too! So, GLTU ALL! & may God bless all of us , and especially JR, who is the head of this whole affair, who are & have been in this particular play for some time! I myself have just about $7000 now invested it (please don't tell Susie, for my a-- is grass if you do!) and have been in it since APRIL 12th, 2012. And I know several who have a lot more than that invested in it, & who have been in it longer, & some even a lot longer than me, who also believe much the same positive way as I do, or that Carna4z, or that lowman, or that Toymaker, or that smoke_em, or that chambers, or that duelittle, or that museman, or that tacosnoope, or that huntewr7, or that ??? believes & feels, also. The which POSITIVE & HOPEFUL & GOOD OPINION IS BASED & FOUNDED ON MUCH GOOD & VERIFIABLE DD & FUNDAMENTALS, the which all is quite contrary to all of the negative ''bear-kraape'' & ''series of nitemares'' such as is being & has been posted on ''JANASS SHELLS'' lie-hub forum! Respectfully submitted, Jaime HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!