Interesting bunch of posts since I was on this AM.We are all adults here,right?
I don't see where anything constructive can come out of some disliking others publicly.
We can agree to disagree and then drop it.It doesn't matter if I understand where the "parties" are
coming from,only that it will create divisions on the board.Some will side with one and some will side with another and some will just get flustered and leave.
I don't think that's what we want here.Talking about CTIX and joking and entertaining ourselves can still be done in a somewhat "professional"manner.
We can choose to read another's post or skip it.Nothing in the TOU says we have to read each other's posts,let alone reply to them.
The posters I respect,I read.The ones I don't,I ignore.(Only one here and they know who they are).
I will go after bashers but posters(good or not)who are invested in CTIX are on the same side as I and I am not in the habit of shooting my own troops.
As the saying goes."We have met the enemy and HE is US".We need to get out of the way and "let posters be posters".Even if we disagree.And if we disagree and can't discuss it without "thin skin and ruffled feathers"then move on.No hard feelings.We have bigger fish to fry.
Let's get back to business.