The article happens to mention DAIRY farmer waste plastic only. Newsflash -- that's only one type of farm.
Greenhouse pot plants, for example, has nothing to do with dairy farmers. The only reason dairy farmers are mentioned in the article is because the farmer they interviewed as an example just so happened to be a dairy farmer.
Let's try to apply an ounce of common sense once in a while. There are 12 million tons of agricultural waste plastic generated in the United States per year. Does it really make sense that 1/50th of that would be 2,800 tons?
It comes to an average of 240,000 tons per state.
There are over 36,000 farms in NY state. Do you really think they only generate 2800 tons per year or around 150 pounds spread out over the course of a year? The single dairy farmer mentioned in the article said 3000 pounds a year.
Dairy farmers produce less waste plastic than other types such as growers. I can't even figure out why a dairy farmer produces any waste plastic in the first place so anything they produce is a bonus. It's the other farmers that produce lots and make up the bulk of the 12 million tons per year.