Exactly, and I've been on boards were that happened. Just one stalker basher drove away all the positive posters who just didn't know how to debate him without being deleted. The board was destroyed, and the company stock dropped for 2 straight years, when previously it rallied every year.
Many blamed the rules as favouring him, but it was really just a case that he knew how to play by the rules and not get deleted, they didn't. Like blind men fighting a guy who can see.
CTIX doesn't have any good bashers yet, better ones will come. Like you say, if the regulars with the excellent DD skills get frustrated and leave, then the bashers take over, drive away new money and kill the rallies.
We've already seen a bunch of regulars give up just over the issue of off-topic posts, not even confrontation with bashers. I've expressed my disappointment with that.
Time for some mental toughness and fill the most read board with positive energy and strong DD. It is better to win the game, than be 'wronged' and nurse your wounds on the sidelines.