Previous Close
06/26/2017 0.84
52-Week High
11/22/2016 1.505
52-Week Low
05/10/2017 0.63
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
06/26/2017 -39.56%
Volume 0
Volume (10 day Average) 331,008
Volume (90 day Average) 277,101
just realized my bid (limit/day @ 78c) yesterday was the last trade done
b4 some interesting volume went thru on $IPIX
15:01:33 0.82 100 OTO
14:59:08 0.83 10000 OTO
14:58:52 0.83 11167 OTO
14:57:43 0.83 400 OTO
14:57:33 0.822 100 OTO
14:53:15 0.81 5500 OTO
14:53:14 0.81 17000 OTO
14:53:14 0.83 222 OTO
14:53:14 0.83 200 OTO
14:53:14 0.83 200 OTO
14:53:13 0.80 6000 OTO
14:53:04 0.80 36313 OTO
14:53:03 0.79 30500 OTO
14:50:28 0.78 2000 OTO
14:48:12 0.785 280 OTO
14:42:58 0.79 3000 OTO
14:38:28 0.78 2000 OTO
14:38:06 0.79 125 OTO
14:32:45 0.78 2500 OTO
14:32:40 0.785 3000 OTO
my bid was for 1995 shares .. 1336 partially filled (bundled into 2000 ask size) @ 78c
14:50:28 0.78 2000 OTO
offset = 664
went back to check my notes to see what was being shown around that time stamp
Detailed Quote:IPIX (NC/no change on the ask hit for 3000 shares)
0.79Up 0.075 (10.49 %)AS OF 2:42:58PM ET 06/26/2017
Last Trade 0.79
Trade Time 2:42:58pm ET
Change 0.075
% Change 10.49%
Bid 0.78
Bid Size 3000
Ask 0.79
Ask Size 30000
Volume 496,455
Volume (10 day Average) 305,629
Volume (90 day Average) 271,783
what was showing on ask side @ that time ..
CDEL 0.79 30,000 14:25
NITE 0.80 6,000 14:10
ETRF 0.85 23,795 09:30
LAFC 0.85 1,000 14:26
CSTI 0.98 1,000 11:53
CANT 1.03 100 13:32
VNDM 1.15 100 06/23
RAFF 4.71 100 03/09
PUMA 4.71 100 08:10
MAXM 80.00 100 07:35
this trade ..
14:48:12 0.785 280 OTO
went off hidden .. a term i use to define a trade done between the visible (shown) bid and the ask via l2
Detailed Quote:IPIX (hidden)
0.785Up 0.07 (9.79 %)AS OF 2:48:12PM ET 06/26/2017
Last Trade 0.785
Trade Time 2:48:12pm ET
Change 0.07
% Change 9.79%
Bid 0.78
Bid Size 4659
Ask 0.79
Ask Size 30500
Volume 496,735
Volume (10 day Average) 305,629
Volume (90 day Average) 271,783
and this trade
14:59:08 0.83 10000 OTO
was done just b4 CDEL UC (undercut) the ask to 82c (done *imo*
to slow *trading* down) i've also watched over the years actual bids
become the UC ask when *imo* NR (non retail) is beyond stressed
something *imo* i suspect is very much in play with $IPIX currently
(at least since the 52 week low reset of 5.10.17)
Detailed Quote:IPIX (ask UC)
0.83Up 0.115 (16.08 %)AS OF 2:59:08PM ET 06/26/2017
Last Trade 0.83
Trade Time 2:59:08pm ET
Change 0.115
% Change 16.08%
Bid 0.81
Bid Size 1000
Ask 0.82
Ask Size 16333
Volume 616,337
Volume (10 day Average) 305,629
Volume (90 day Average) 271,783
looking forward to how the 90c to 1.00 pps range is handled and what
corresponds re: tape of trades and MMs positioning
best to all Innovation Pharma investors ..