January 10, 2013 - Ricki's tackling some controversial medical issues, including what many consider to be one of the most contentious debates in health care today - medical marijuana. Ricki conducts a daytime exclusively interview with a couple who have made national headlines with their controversial decision to administer marijuana to their 7-year-old daughter who is battling an aggressive form of cancer. Also joining the conversation is their friend and advocate, Cheryl Shuman, whose own battle with Stage Four ovarian cancer led her to be in favor of medical cannabis and Dr. David Smith, founder of the legendary Haight Ashbury Free Clinic in San Francisco who, surprisingly, opposes this medical practice. Also, Ricki introduces us to a remarkable 7-year-old girl currently battling NF-1, a fairly common genetic condition that's rarely spoken about, and her primary care physician, Dr. Vincent M. Riccardi. And, individuals on both sides of the cochlear implant argument debate the pros and cons of its impact within the deaf community.