Now that we have a decent handle on the NJ situation, let's focus a bit on the South:
According to PR dated 11/18/11:
We have purchased a new office in Marietta Georgia.
In addition to staff and sales growth and expansion, Shaka penetrates the Atlanta metro area with the opening of a new office in Marietta, Georgia . "Shaka strategically targets this affluent market with an estimated 5 million homeowners, making Georgia the largest market in the Southeast," Mr. Scott states. "The 1100-square-foot office space is fully staffed with sales, marketing and operations teams to efficiently service these valuable customers," says Mr. Scott.
Georgia Office - 2440 Sandy Plains Rd, Bldg. 20, Ste. 400, Marietta, GA , 30006
Well, let's have a look at the floor plans. We are in Suite 400 (green rooms).
And a look around the building:
Not sure if this site is old, or if we have not moved in according to PR. The PR kind of reads like it's done deal.
See next post: