if your a shareholder you can't post your opinions or defend your stock, but if one is a non-shareholder or a bozo bashing the stock you have the right to post alsost anything even mentionning Regulators.
because i got restricted 1 post a day because of this reason "Slander and the sending of messages to authorities are not acceptable topics." whatever ... wonder how much % they got for that pffftt
i post 1-2 a month and they removed all my post regarding anything related to the above but yet MItch aka CowsandChickens and others like NutJob / ADvil / A$$lanta / DoLTka / JulesBimbo / AClown / SaucePak etc... can post those topics mentionning regulators or authorities even stating they went to the SEC like Nutjob did, but we post something like that we get immediatly restricted ? a BIG ... WTF is there problem ? while those bozo's post SLANDER & DEFAMATION towards TYTN and it's CEO and it stays on board shows how they protect the Bashers, wonder why ? .. EPIC FAIL . .. IMO
$TYTN camp #2 Long & Holding "on" everything is Logged will just keep on adding