Thank you kindly for your many informative and thoughtful posts. It's not everyday that one finds civility, reasonableness, knowledgeable TA and great DD all rolled into one poster (DD kudos also go to Karin, Dr. F., Umiak, Bioman, Big J., Seel Progressive, and S-bux among others).
I agree with your strategy on the IFlub board: learn the rules to not get deleted. We cannot just abandon the site to bashers, as there are too many folks looking there for info. The dark side knows how to follow the rules and use them to their advantage.
The OTC is indeed the Wild West and MMs are not help accountable the same way they are on higher exchanges, so bear raids do happen and are coordinated with bashers. Just another reason why it will be important to uplist as soon as requirements are met (and please Leo, not the Amex... too much manipulation there as well).
That said, I travel too much outside the country to post regularly on behalf of the company, but wish all of you here that do post over there all necessary stamina and frustration tolerance to keep the debate real and civil (I give Bioman a pass because he drinks too much
Keep up the great work everyone! Your efforts to get the word out are appreciated more than you know. Anyone who has lost a loved one to cancer knows what I mean.