All Stock Alerts 1/2 - 1/3 | 134 Alerts on 16 stocks
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Promoted Stocks in alphabetical order
Stock: AMBS - 2 Alert(s)
Loss today: -2.96% | First Trade: 0.169 - Last Trade: 0.164 | Low: 0.141 - High: 0.19 | Trades: 278 | Volume: 5437056$
Stock: BGMD - 11 Alert(s)
Gain today: 22.47% | First Trade: 2.27 - Last Trade: 2.7801 | Low: 2.24 - High: 3.1 | Trades: 177 | Volume: 7548518$
Stock: BWEN - 2 Alert(s)
Gain today: 11.06% | First Trade: 2.25 - Last Trade: 2.4988 | Low: 2.25 - High: 2.57 | Trades: 111 | Volume: 654185$
Stock: CCRY - 8 Alert(s)
Loss today: -16.3% | First Trade: 0.0092 - Last Trade: 0.0077 | Low: 0.0072 - High: 0.0105 | Trades: 133 | Volume: 137313$
Stock: DROP - 7 Alert(s)
Loss today: -1.8% | First Trade: 0.1721 - Last Trade: 0.169 | Low: 0.168 - High: 0.178 | Trades: 56 | Volume: 108238$
Stock: EKNL - 7 Alert(s)
Gain today: 6.06% | First Trade: 0.33 - Last Trade: 0.35 | Low: 0.3101 - High: 0.38 | Trades: 16 | Volume: 20732$
Stock: EWRL - 5 Alert(s)
Loss today: -31.25% | First Trade: 0.032 - Last Trade: 0.022 | Low: 0.0201 - High: 0.032 | Trades: 25 | Volume: 20928$
Stock: FARE - 13 Alert(s)
Gain today: 7.36% | First Trade: 0.1834 - Last Trade: 0.1969 | Low: 0.18 - High: 0.197 | Trades: 281 | Volume: 3917669$
Stock: IWEB - 26 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.063 - Last Trade: 0.063 | Low: 0.0595 - High: 0.069 | Trades: 108 | Volume: 444479$
Stock: LVVV - 10 Alert(s)
Gain today: 2.13% | First Trade: 0.235 - Last Trade: 0.24 | Low: 0.232 - High: 0.243 | Trades: 66 | Volume: 61738$
Stock: NWTR - 21 Alert(s)
Loss today: -2.04% | First Trade: 0.98 - Last Trade: 0.96 | Low: 0.935 - High: 0.99 | Trades: 93 | Volume: 327169$
Stock: OBJE - 4 Alert(s)
Loss today: -11.55% | First Trade: 3.03 - Last Trade: 2.68 | Low: 2.3 - High: 3.03 | Trades: 85 | Volume: 302565$
Stock: RITE - 12 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.46 - Last Trade: 0.46 | Low: 0.43 - High: 0.49 | Trades: 27 | Volume: 29848$
Stock: UNLA - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 42.86% | First Trade: 0.014 - Last Trade: 0.02 | Low: 0.014 - High: 0.0256 | Trades: 32 | Volume: 16445$
Stock: USGT - 3 Alert(s)
Gain today: 5.58% | First Trade: 0.735 - Last Trade: 0.776 | Low: 0.716 - High: 0.784 | Trades: 152 | Volume: 895150$
Stock: XSNX - 2 Alert(s)
Gain today: 9.65% | First Trade: 0.0114 - Last Trade: 0.0125 | Low: 0.0111 - High: 0.016 | Trades: 30 | Volume: 16384$