Thanks Lumberg, and the best to you this New Year as well. I wish I could have helped more people, but with the constant attacks on me personally, and then the removal of my posts, few people ever heard of the news I posted on the board. Let me make this clear, I owned millions of shares of MMTE myself at the time I came back to the boards and decided to call William and correspond with him once again. I decided to get back in touch with William because the stories posted on Ijunk just didn't make sense (apparently they did make sense to some people, but certainly not to me). When William told me these so called "private meetings" never happened, and that he would never tell an individual investors inside news not made available to other investors, I believed him because this is the way William always operated in all the years I communicated with him. And, you should remember, William always called or e-mailed me before all others.
Although you may not have seen my posts (with full headers and trailers) directly from William saying these stories of a merger with TTXP were "nonsense" as well as the wild talk of gold and copper and iron mining that would soon follow such a merger. I assure you I did, in fact, post such messages many months ago and I strongly suggested to anyone who would listen that they lighten up on their MMTE position for their own protection. Even if people wished to attack me personally, why they would delete messages directly from William?
Finally, once William told me he needed to pull his own money out that he had spent on MMTE concessions, I knew it was time for me to bail. I sold my shares at a loss, but these shares were paid for long ago when MMTE was flying much higher.
For now, I don't think there is anything investors can do but hold their shares. It is too late to sell at market for a tax loss for 2012, and that assumes one can sell any shares at all right now. I have never held a stock that fell to no bid. I don't know if one can even claim a loss on a no bid stock. How would one value the loss for the IRS?
I wish everyone the best, but I feel sad about the way this all worked out. The board moderators and posters who misled so many may not have done this intentionally, but they did it all the same, and certainly should have understood that something was very, very wrong with all these stories being posted.