I see it this way , Mark has a good back ground and a way to make things happen . Hell the Chinese love him , customers love him If he pulls this off we all will love him . The thing is this time he wants to go bigger and better . He did not see the likes of Bogden coming into play ,and possibly made some mistakes on the stock side . (NOT SAYING HE DID) His timing may have been taken advantage of . Sometimes it is easier to pull off something illegal (Defamation , Slander) then it is to prove it has been done , and that is exactly what the bashers have on their side . You may say "That could be said about both sides" "easier to pull off then to prove" . True , but you have to take into consideration Mark's history and the fact that his problems started with Bogden . He has good reason to stay silent about what is happening .
If the last two tickets for your favorite Baseball team are being sold at the corner and you start telling every one before you get there , they might not be there when you do get there ..lol After you have them in your hand and all is secured , blab all you want ..
Simple , but true .
I believe when the time comes we will realise some good growth in Tytan . It may take the rest of the year to see some pennies go by . It depends on a lot more than what Mark is able to do . Any one that has been in business will know that . Any one can cry about losing money on tytn , but if they hang out just to talk about the money they lost and how much more they're going to lose , well I'm sorry I don't get it .
1). if you think tytn is a scam , bust , or POS sell and move on . Why wouldn't you ?
2). if you think tytn is a scam , bust , or POS , and you don't want to sell because your so far down its not worth it . Why would you bash and take that last step that possibly puts you over the cliff (stupid).
3). if you say tytn is a scam , bust , or POS , and you don't have any skin in the game at all . Why would you pick it out of all the other real scams to bash ? Why would anyone pick a stock like tytn that really if you do the DD has very little to none in common with the thousands of scams out there ? Why ? to save some one ? lol I have never heard a good reason ever .
One reason that can account for some of the bashers to be at the tytn board is to retaliate against tytn posters for going over to their stock and noting the downfalls of it. Again Silly , Stupid , but it happens and to some degree is understandable .
Others tho ? Only one reason IMHO .
And they are going out of their way to try and discredit Mark and what he is trying to build .
I know some have been hurt . Very few if any are up on this one right now . The question is why did you get in in the first place ? If it was for a lotto play see (1).
If the core reasons haven't changed and we start to see some growth in the company with the SS we have now there could be some very nice Gaines .
Good night all