i Think it's not the time yet, he did previously and what happened, the dealers got bombarded with shareholders calling to verify, so now because of that he's keeping it secret ;-( but im sure we will soon find out after the deals - plans are released just logic that he would do it like that, JD is already established Entity reason why we can simply look up a dealer TYTN is in growth mode and expanding release to much details could compromise busiiness relationships etc... YTO is there for a reason, TYTN is expanding their field bigger as seen in the pics with the ROAD LEVELLER ? so those are hints that something is happenning and it's gonna be BIG BOB ;-P
gotta also thanks those Bodgen Wannabe Clowns for some info not to be released and the depreciation in the stock price last year.
$TYTN camp # 2 Long & Holding ON