Yes the ponytail was Sharon-I think Bob was taking the photo. The nice thing about the trommel is the diversification afforded by all these ancillary income sources. In the past they've targeted a main product of 3-18mm or so . 0-3mm is a by product of that and the 0-1mm to be processed is a by product of that. So by products of main production:
1-3mm-last we had figures from Bob was 150k tons of this-or was that 0-3mm-last had a best handle was 9-28-10 inventory post
200k tons of 0-1mm to be processed by trommel
cement product is being trucked to Cemex plant and an email to Rocket from Bob indicated Cemex product was paying most of the overhead already-and nice thing about it is no shipping involved
fertilizer waste of waste processed by trommel has several different options-directly sell to co's for e,g, 90/ton as is-one reported offer from a company,or JV w OMRI via onsite processing plant and sell finished product for 325/ton or 550/ton (Bobs email re going prices for those things previously posted)or sell directly to OMRI as suggestd by April 2011 PR and or email by Bob
.5-1mm ironchips to be used as DRI feedstock-prcessed out form the 0-1mm by the trommel-see previous posts
Al203-Alumina-see previous posts
As our hedging expert Sunny would probably point out this allows the company to hedge against unusual drops in price and wait for prices to rebound for the main product-thats what many iron ore co's did in Sept/Oct 2011-when a new iron derivatives market allowed specualtors to do thier thing and send prices far below China's internal cost of production (which was 150/ton for their poor average 30% ore as of 12-13-10 (agmetal miner 12-13-10) and last reports were Chinas domestic ore was down to 20% w some mines producing only 4% (pbs? documentary I watched). Absent govt subsidies why should Chinese co's whose cost exceeds import price keep producing over time?
So if CWRN is able to pay overhead etc w these extra income sources that gives CWRN greater flexibility and bargaining power-not forced into a deal due to finances.