oh yeah .. those UPSIDE DOWN on their 9 year OTC target that outlasted and SURVIVED
and has one hell of an enviable IO/SS ..
NR/CEs' version of smoke and mirrors today .. curious to see if anything is claimed
let alone marked ..
15:35:15 0.0475 2000 OTO .. mirrored @ UC ask
15:35:10 0.0475 6696 OTO .. mirrored @ UC ask
15:35:09 0.047 2000 OTO .. hidden
15:35:06 0.0475 6180 OTO .. 6180 + 516 = 6696 .. mirrored @ UC ask
13:39:51 0.048 4100 OTO .. hidden (note 2000 x2 +100 for NN)
10:30:16 0.0485 516 OTO .. note 516 + 6180 = 6696 .. hidden/mirrored
10:20:32 0.0426 7842 OTO .. @ bid adjusts
10:20:32 0.0427 500 OTO .. hidden
10:20:32 0.04555 7842 OTO .. hidden/mirrored trade
$PTOI .. Volume 37,676
Volume (10 day Average) 26,558
Volume (90 day Average) 34,690
Bid 0.0426
Bid Size 23708
Ask 0.0475
Ask Size 36304
CSTI 0.0475 36,304 15:35
CDEL 0.0485 13,863 15:34
NITE 0.049 29,649 09:31
ETRF 0.049 12,100 09:30
VNDM 0.051 10,000 05/02
CANT 0.292 2,500 08:30
MAXM 200.00 1 07:35
ARXS U 0 09/19
ETRF 0.0426 23,708 13:39
CDEL 0.0425 22,850 15:34
NITE 0.04 10,000 04/28
CSTI 0.03 10,000 10:14
VNDM 0.005 10,000 05/02
CANT 0.005 10,000 08:30
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 07:35
ARXS U 0 09/19
sheesh ..