I don't think Prurisol is a "cocktail" I think it's a stand-alone drug.
As far as Kevetrin combined with something, I would think that they would agree on dosages but each drug would be used alone. For one thing, they might have different dosing schedules and methods of delivery -- what if Kevetrin is a once a week thing but the other drug is every other day? So each company would be getting its profits from its own drugs, unless they had some kind of co-marketing profit-sharing deal.
All this kind of speculation is really premature until we know if Kevetrin WORKS, whether it's a stand-alone too, or whether it works in concert with one or several drugs. It kind of irritates me at the other site how everyone is trying to read tea leaves based on what someone might or might not have written in an email, and trying to speculate on revenue sharing when we have NO idea of whether Kevetrin even works in humans -- seems like an exercise in futility.