.. company founder .. former director and collectively .. actual P2O investors
i look forward to all whiners and haters (if they actually hold any shares) in P2O
being able to exit PTOI above their CB (cost basis) and never having to read
their *posts* or PMs .. *again* .. here or there with P2O's ability to execute and
RH's ability to articulate
here's reality for you .. longs' picks today all at ask .. was 99% of today's volume
even more interesting .. was the relo/ing on the ask side .. so i have to ask
where are BB and EC for their pontifications of how 301,000 FTDs went *poof*
in Jan .. and a *legal* (snicker) short of just under 50,000 went *poof* in early March
lies tend to catch up with those who tell them .. .. of course *crooks* who
illegally work OTC targets count on *retail* being CONditioned by rote ..
$PTOI .. known longs' picks currently = 99.23%
71016/71566 = 99.23%
all known but the 550 *bid whack* to try to close PTOI .. DOWN ..
will update accordingly if time stamp via a long's bid *sourced* that 550 ..
05/01/17 12:25:31 Buy 15051 PTOI Executed @ $0.049
05/01/17 12:25:31 Buy 11500 PTOI Executed @ $0.0485
05/01/17 12:25:28 Buy 6449 PTOI Executed @ $0.0485
05/01/17 12:25:07 Buy 27000 PTOI Executed @ $0.048
15:47:05 0.049 2017 OTO ** long's @ ETRF's ask .. adjusts
15:33:53 0.0425 550 OTO .. @ bid adjusts (25000 to 24450)
13:24:49 0.049 8999 OTO ** long's @ ETRF's ask .. adjusts
12:25:31 0.049 15051 OTO ** long's @ ETRF's ask .. adjusts
12:25:31 0.0485 11500 OTO ** long's @ CDEL's UC ask .. relo/s ask to ETRF
12:25:28 0.0485 6449 OTO ** long's @ ask .. (6449 hidden)
12:25:07 0.048 27000 OTO ** long's @ NN's ask relo/s to CDEL's UC ask (11500)
Bid 0.0425
Bid Size 24450
Ask 0.049
Ask Size 12100
ETRF 0.049 12,100 15:47
VNDM 0.051 10,000 04/27
CDEL 0.059 210,755 15:33
NITE 0.08 10,000 12:25
CSTI 0.147 5,000 08:30
CANT 0.292 2,500 08:30
MAXM 200.00 1 07:35
ARXS U 0 09/19
CDEL 0.0425 24,450 15:33
ETRF 0.042 20,000 15:46
NITE 0.04 10,000 04/28
CSTI 0.04 10,000 08:30
VNDM 0.005 10,000 04/27
CANT 0.005 10,000 08:30
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 07:35
ARXS U 0 09/19