I ran across a company named Sundance Resources Ltd. with headquarters in Australia. ASX:SDL. They are a similar type company to what CWRN was until we started production. Mostly exploration and trying to prove reserves on their claims. The claims are in central Africa.. Camaroon and Congo.
The reason they caught my eye is because they are a buyout target of a company called Hanlong Mining of China. If I am figuring right the Chinese are only offering the equivalent of a little less than 2 bucks a ton for the claims of the company. But the low price is probably due to the fact that they have to build a 5 billion dollar railroad(220 miles) and an ocean port, before they can even start mining and transporting ore. (plus they may have bought off the BOD to try to get shareholders to approve the sale at that low price when the going rate is over $4/ton) But even so it is interesting because the the stock shares number over 3 BILLION and they(Hanlong) are presently offering 45 cents per share for the buyout. They were offering 57 cents before the iron price bombed out last summer. HMMMMM...
Now doing my Jethro Bodine math, and realizing this is probably more like apples to pears, I still think we could be in the 20-50 cent range for a buyout and worth a heck of a lot more if we can start getting ore out the door and our reserves end up being over 300 million tons. Revise my guesses way up if the buyback comes into effect and there is a good market for our by-products...
Let's just hope management bought a pallet of Murphy repellant, for this comping year, because on my scribbling paper this sure looks like the real deal if we get traction.. Happy New Year All!