Bioman, will start your day off with a "Ping" story. Buddy of mine was an All-American at U of Okla. and became the Ping sales mgr. They had a meeting because Karsten was irate that a putter was selling so poorly as it had a great design and was properly engineered in his opinion. Nobody, not even his sons, ever wanted to tell Karsten he was wrong regarding any of his designs. Well, they got into this big meeting over the putter and finally my friend reached his boiling point and flat out told Karsten the putter was not selling because it didn't have an alignment line on the top of the putter. Karsten said that idea was ludicrous to which my friend supposedly replied "I can blow smoke up your ass like everybody else here but if you want my input I just gave it to you and it IS the reason for the poor sales". Karsten stormed out of the meeting and my buddy was told by the others that he wouldn't last long with that attitude. He then smiled and said that Karsten never acknowledged the meeting again but the next production run had a line on top of the putter and it became one of the best sellers.
Just like Dr. M, you have to have total faith in your product.