The Company will be applying... for a name change to Pan American Mineral Ventures, Inc. to better reflect its current Mexico mining operations.
Companies are actually required to use a name that reflects what they do-prior to Baja 14 operations CWRN had mining ventures,potential or otherwise, on several continents. But by the Nov 2010 PR approving the name change,they were concentrating on Mexico with some exploration of Costa Rica (see posts) and the USA also-so the name does better reflect operations.
I believe they care about stockholders but they thought that once they had successful operations that the pps would take care of itself-NORMALLY IT WOULD-
but there was a sea change in the penny market late 2009 -and then political agendas against low priced pennies as a scapegoat for the big boys part including shorters in helping cause the great recession -as reported on the Charlie Rose program by the author of Predator Nation and congressional investigations-
so the sec and doj allegedly and reportedly green lighted the entities they were suppose to watchdog and allegedly gave them a greenlight to attack low priced pennies -so shorters.bashers/hedge funds/specialized attack groups who short these things -using the sec reopening of an apparent previous settlement re the mar 2010 no gain promo
-so mm's /brokers/dtcc/ otc and other players did their thing allegedly knowing they would no longer be taken to task by the watch dog agencies-some of these entities are blatantly violating their fiduciary duty-e.g brokers in conjunction w the dtcc, which they reportedly own, restrict a stock without warning and then use our shares to short it-blatant violations-fraud throughout the market
this had never happened before -A SERIES of NEVER BEFORE SEEN EVENTS NOBODY COULD FORESEE- so neither the company nor us stockholders knew any of this would happen-and that included a series of murphy law situations which delayed financials-it was a perfect set up the puppetmaster will be bragging about for some time
sec apparently reopened an August 2011 settlement re the Mar 2010 no gain no shares issued promo to CWRN's surprise-and sec court watchers who variously claim some type of connection w the sec and allegedly use these situations to short a stock used their highly honed scare tactics to try to finish the job by targeting the only real company (and thus shortable) on that sec list-
remember also as 7-10-11 etc reported a hedge fund or some other entity had a large naked short position-as apparently evidenced by a consistent 65 to over 90 % daily finra "short volume on CWRN fall 2010-since 95% of pennies fail -
but when they saw CWRN wasnt going to lay down and die like a good shorted company they probably helped coordinate shorters fraudulent cries of a massive newsletter promo to otc jan 2011 when stock was rising 85% /day -and otc -due to their profit conflict of interest assumed there had been such because pps usually doesnt rise like that without a massive newsletter promo-so when a rare co like cwrn does break thru it simply gets slapped w the old ce without any real investigation
so although the company made mistakes in dealing w these never before seen situations, AS WE ALL DID, dont forget to place the primary blame on those series of entities executing the fraud for profit or political motive etc
also legal is no doubt doing what legal does-which is gagging the company til sec settlement is finished-and in the process either forgetting their duty to inform stockholders or being pressured by the sec not to do anything that could be considered a promo-that includes PR's or at least forward looking statements -which imo is tantamount to blackmail
all of this results in the most undervalued stock in the market imo-something shorters have not even tried to challenge for a long time