Reading the MMTE message boards these last few days before the end of the year, one quickly realizes the investors duped by those "in the know" are clearly getting desperate. These people post that they would be happy with any kind of news at this point, and yes, even a R/S. The reasons stated range from hope that they will then finally be able to unload to some other duped fool who never heard of William or MMTE before, to dreams of making money on the pump and dump that may precede the eventual failure of yet another Lieberman company. Sad really.
I read one post that claimed they met some really wonderful people on the MMTE boards --- perhaps this is true. I wonder though, were these the same people who told them their personal phone calls and private meetings with Lieberman (the brilliant genius businessman) proved this investment was "real" and that if they just invested more and kept on investing that they would be rewarded? Now, of course, their money is flushed down the toilet and people feel like complete fools. Yet, they met some really great people who told them lies --- to each their own I guess. Perhaps they didn't actually know William told them lies? But then one must ask, why not? If William told someone he intended to merge MMTE with Trilliant or any number of other companies mentioned, wouldn't a sane and knowledgeable person know that such information directly from the CEO is grounds for insider trading? Certainly one would! Also, if Lieberman gave them permission to post the information, why wouldn't we see an e-mail or something posted authorizing this permission? For those who question this, just check back on posts that I made on the MMTE boards. If William authorized me to speak on his behalf, I produced an e-mail with headers and trailers that indicated it came from him. Has anyone seen one of these messages directly from William to any of the current crop of "in the know" friends? Obviously not!
I also see posts complaining that they wish someone would have told them these stories posted were false. Yet, I did just that, and numerous times. Why were these posts removed? My posts, directly from William Lieberman, clearly stated the stories were false and were in his words "nonsense." How many people could have saved a good portion of their investment had they seen and listened to what I posted? I suspect most would be grateful, but for the attacks on my character following such posts. Does anyone remember? Does anyone remember the people who attacked? Willaim told me the people telling these stories were doing so for the purpose of unloading their shares and/or the convertible debt they had purchased --- such wonderful friends, indeed.
Welcome to the world of MMTE land, where a fool is born not just every minute, but is reborn almost daily because they continued to trust the really good friends who duped them out of their money. Great job. Oh well, MMTE investors probably didn't need their money anyway.