I recieved a reply from my "hater"to a clarification of my comments.All of it of course , off topic.
It appears he not only understands my opinions but even agrees.The reason I am posting this publicly is to make a point.He mentioned that this is not the place for (some) OT subjects and to a certain extent he is correct.However in the larger scope of things I would like to point out that these sideline discussions are providing a way to get to know the "real person"behind the posts.
Most of us have gotten to know each other here by some of these OT discussions.The more we know each other and what we're "made of", the more we understand the motives and intents of each other's posts regarding CTIX.
Getting to know each of you all as I have on a more personal level,has greatly increased my ability to respect the integrity and wisdom of each of you and it gives your CTIX posts or comments on other tickers much more weight and meaning.I learn where you are "coming from"making your opinions much more valuable to me and hopefully vicea versa.This is very difficult if not impossible to accomplish on other boards which is what makes ours so unique.
We come as close to knowing each other short of shaking hands and breaking bread together.
Although we want to keep the focus here on CTIX,OT discussions can be continued by interested parties through PM's after showing up in the public posts which is what I intend to try and practice myself.
Having said all that,get to know each other!! A valued opinion from a respected person is worth so much more than the thoughts of a "cyber poster".It becomes a bond and a barrier that shorts and bashers will not understand nor be able to breach as we watch each other's backs..