Ovidius - I both understand and not understand some of your posts. Like in the case of bioman. He as far as I know always had that phrase at the bottom of his posts on IHUB about taking your base off. REASON: He learned that leason the hard way in the past and seeks not to repeat it. Seems to me that it is GOOD ADVICE. As far as his trading CTIX or for that matter anyone of US, thats each INDIVIDUAL's CHOISE as we all see CTIX in the LONG TERM much higher dispite short term current events. Our goal here on this board SB to make sure we are informed on what is available FRIST and then throw out views for discussion and not be overly pushy as this is not a PUMPER board. Also if we can have a little fun here, WHY NOT.
As far as the IFLUB board, I too am guilty of bringing in investors that HOLD LONG, TRADE, FLIP, and even BASH. But then again these type of people would be comming in anyway sooner or later SO criticism of it makes NO SENSE to me. At this point the MORE THE MERRIER as CTIX is making progress.