Well...we have one more trading day for 2012. It's amazing how fast time flies. What will 2013 bring for MMTC? Certs? Sales? R/S? Buyback? Nunez updating the public? Nunez remaining quiet?
All I know is I have been invested for 2 years. Happy to see Nunez step in and make progress back in April, but now it's time for him to show the loyal shareholders why we have been patient. He did stop the downward slide caused by Dutchess and Asher. But I give him until April...that will be 1 year. I know things move slow, but that is my deadline. Then I will start to bleed shares unless we have progress. And that progress has to come straight from him, in the form of a pr, not second hand "it's coming"!
April...that is my deadline. If I don't have a reason to be patient after that....250,000 hits the market every day til I'm empty. Up..down..I won't look back. 250,000 will be sold everyday starting in April.