As per the 6-25-12 PR they have 45000 tons of ore at the port-that ore alone would be worth 6 million at only 133.33/ton w spot now at 142/ton-which is almost 3 times the total market cap at .0005. Somewhat unusual day -started at .0004,went to .0009,and closed at .0006
Plus if we get a Panamax run of 60-70k tons of the 200k plus tons of fertilizer to Portland Oregon at 200/ton that would be 12-14 million dollars-
see past posts re alibaba,the high price the Azomite fert, with only 1.73% iron, goes for, and bingos post that the fertilizer was worth several times the spot price of regular iron on 9-8-12 (which taken literally would be 261/ton plus-though I dont think they would get that much without further fert processing. CWRN previously reported final fert processing via a possible onsite plant would enhance value to 330-550/ton