Gramps why do you think I joined this team, When I first joined Thra, I read both sides, You and the rest of the team made sence, The other side didnt know what side was up, So I kept buying. And sold enought to get my investment back and very little proift I think it was 5.00 lol But held on to half because I as this team belive in Thra. Point is I have nothing to loose and I still stay with Thra, I could have taken my 5.00 profit and said o well But I have faith in our Ceo and this Positive team, And Heck were else can you take shot's at The Sun, I read the story Of the cow jumping over the moon, And heard the same author is written a short story Of a bunch of fools flying to the Sun, for the big Bake sale, Because they were told the DTC told them there is a nice cool spot on the sun There will be a great big Big bake, Heard the Dtc's theme is WE FRIED YOU IN MONEY, NO WELL JUST FRY YOU. all I can say is BYE BYE. For I'll stay on this Earth and with this Thra team and Thra , and we will go mining it may taand ske time but yes we will. And those DTC loyalist will finnally see who is the dishonest people certanaly isnt our CEO, Who had a sure shot at making everyone money, if she was left alone, Buit she will fight and one way or another will win, There are 3 options she can take, And She knows it. But she doesn't want to go down those roads she want's to fight and prove that she did no wrong, she wants to make sure those who supported her in these times benifit, and those who slandered her name pay. So yes Thra will survive one way or another.
$$$$$$$THRA$$$$$$$$$$THRA$$$$$$$THRA$$$$ THRA all the way