Steve, have you or Clear Channel gotten any reaction - directly or in the media - from CNN? Do they see you as a threat or as helping the category grow?
News, not PR:
Sep, 4 2012
Clear Channel launches ClearVision for airports, against CNN
Clear Channel previously had agreements to sell advertising with CNN in a handful of airports in the United States, and that advertisers did not see the value in CNN’s offering.
No value? Why not? Have attitudes changed?
In response, a CNN spokeswoman told Reuters that its airport network has been “a valued brand for over 21 years” and a “reliable source of current news programming and localized custom content for busy, on-the-go travelers.”
CNN’s screens can be seen in 49 of the busiest U.S. airports, including Chicago O’Hare and Dallas/Fort Worth. CNN said it reaches 248 million customers every year in airports.