Thanks for posting that -thats what I was referring to =55.5447 % iron-easier to remember 55.55%-azomite fert is only 1.73% which is the very bottom of the range for retail iron fert. Dont even see any silicon dioxide in CWRN's fertilizer and silicon itself doesnt have any harmful properties to my knowledge in the earth and is relatively naturally present in the earth I think, whereas the Azomite fertilizer being sold by some is 69% silicon dioxide-which is bad-that Azomite resulted from a natural event like a volcano?in southern Utah? dont remember what exactly. CWRN's baja 14 ore has always tested low in silicon anyway as seen here-contrary to sb's assertions.
I'm guessing an online JV fertilizer plant would remove concentrations of the few bad elements to a level deemed acceptable by the fertilizer industry and by thus eliminating the processor middleman CWRN and its JV fertilzer partner would reap much greater profits. So thats just 1 of the options CWRN has for the fertilizer that will be sifted from the 200k tons of 0-1mm waste of waste product (3-18mm or lump equivalent produces 0-3mm byproduct which produces 0-1mm and 1-3mm byproducts) by the Trommel
-Bob had guessed the trommel could process that 200k tons in 21 days. Bob had also said they had an offer for fertilizer as is without processing for 90/ton-which is about as low a price as I'd seen on the yellow pages site is all over the place for sometimes vaguely specified fert products and somewhat confusing.