(Total Views: 307)
Posted On: 02/26/2017 1:13:03 PM
Post# of 43065
this post in its entirety reveals NON RETAILs' issue with both P2O
and her actual investors specific to PTOI
the patterns are crystal clear specific to both *volume* and tape of trades
what is interesting is with November 2016's *confirmation* via the state
of Indiana re: multiple locations and the $dollar amount aligned with just
one *site* in one state .. coupled with the analyst report issued on 12.22.16
which NON RETAILs *noted* with 12.23.16's volume
the reason is obvious .. realize that back in 2009 .. the usual OTC
stock (and by default the company) could be utilized by NON RETAIL
for cycles of money .. first the stock has to be accumulated .. that
is why one sees the *volume* done month by month in 2009 .. until PTOI's
first *illegal manipulation UP* was done in Dec 2009 ..
as i've noted many times P2O never deserved the *market* cap NON RETAIL
undertook in Dec 2009 .. but neither does P2O deserve it's current *market* cap of the last few years either ..
interestingly .. 99% of the time .. the hand off from NON RETAILs' PRO to CON (interchangeables) .. works like a charm
but what most didn't realize then .. was the hand off couldn't *work*
as was usually done because of course *many* (not all) original P2O
investors had never deposited their *restricted certs* in any brokerage firm in 2009
fast forward to May 2010 .. when WSB was 8k'd and on less than 800,000
in *volume* PTOI went from a PPS of $4 to $5 .. to below 2.00 and then
that pps would be *cut in half* in due course
because NON RETAIL had to ensure *panic* .. presumably resulting in legit sells out of actual P2O investors ..
which is why July 2010 came into play with CSTI imported to aid/abet NN
(just one of many times LONDON CAME CALLING ) ..
and the first hit piece was authored .. overlap much ..
it's also why discovery will yield NON RETAILs' CON tacts re: a letter written in Sept 2010 but not uploaded until the following August
then to let months of *air* out of an overstretched balloon PTOI saw a
round robining in 24 hours re: PPS in Dec 2010 .. from memory so it
may be off a smidge .. that would be about 70c to 1.35 back to about 75c
and so the set up and perversions against PTOI would CONtinue .. nice touch the CONtacts'
utilized for April 2011 re: NON RETAILs' *to this day* record setting
*volume* .. which took March 2011's PPS of approx 70c .. UP .. and then
carried that forward to the a PPS above 4.00 b4 triggering threshold
for the first time on PTOI .. and of course what the *goal* by then was
CEs' abusive hole was *massive* by the EO 2011 .. hence the next round
it's also why every trade on PTOI *matters* .. but so it can be easily understood
due to overlapping NON RETAIL interests .. i tend to only focus on
what has transpired since P2O was wrested back in mid August 2013
because of what transpired from Jan 2013 to last Friday ..
specifically the last illegally manipulated RUN UP on PTOI (Jan 2013
stopped out @ 1.49 because CEs' dilemma then (and remains) @ 1.50 - 1.65
which was then *reset* relentlessly .. that price point has been added to since 2013
it now includes >> 5c .. 10c .. 20c .. 35c
5.1.13 .. depo gate done to decisively break PTOI below 50c (29c from memory was hit)
and 9.30.13 .. a month + after P2O was wrested back and current CEO
$infused$ Millions .. and NON RETAILs' abusive hole was by then so deep
that instead of working their usual cycle of money UP .. on an 8K that
would be on any other targeted OTC stock/company .. *relentless* resets
commenced .. so that by the EO 2013 .. PTOI was @ 10c
in 2014 .. notable for CFO's hire and NYSDEC's issuance of multi year permits
for P2O and the ACC Executive Summary's October release showing $$$ and emerging sector
relentless resets would take 10c to 6c to 5c
in 2015 .. notable for ECO's involvement (external sales agreement)
and NON RETAILs' *set up* re: 125 00 *trades* gracing PTOI's tape as of
late August .. something become rather visible re: PTOI's YTD *volume*
the rub here is .. the majority of NON RETAILs' targeted stox have VOLUME
increasing (not decreasing) the more CEs' compress the targeted PPS DOWN
not PTOI .. it's been the exact opposite .. and that reason is because
the majority of *original* P2O investors (founders friends/family)
have long since drawn their respective lines in the sand re: their *investment*
it's why FALSE NARRATIVEs re: PTOI's FLOAT are in play .. even tho' every
one with interest knows what PTOI's RESTRICTED shows which in turn
confirms the FLOAT
and of course the other *reality* if one can find a massively targeted OTC
stock that SURVIVES into their 9th year as a publicly traded *vehicle*
odds are good that that targeted stock and company will have a blown out
IO (issued/outstanding) .. or has undergone the requisite number of R/S
(reverse splits) that NON RETAIL *resets* almost immediately (i.e. the
R/S price is *reshorted abusively* so that the R/S PPS closes *below*
where the R/S PPS originally was) .. understandably those *actions* may
part even the most dedicated investors ..
one other aspect that i find revealing .. re: 2016's YTD VOLUME
company's founder is easily sourced for DD .. and as many others did
i did so this past summer based on ?s raised .. and while i got the
confirmation .. it wasn't even *required* ... because this is *math*
had company founder sold .. PTOI would have had a 30M *volume* day
immediately followed by a 60M *volume* day .. and so it would go
and then PTOI's 10 day volume avg would be *showing* over 100M
and PTOI's pps would be no bid
because if the company's founder *sold* .. so would every one of
those *original* friends and family in place since 2008/2009
so with P2O's ability to execute (and imo it's totally worth digesting
the 3 Shareholder Updates of 2016) ..
PTOI (stock) will see a new record setting volume month
and zero doubts PTOI (stock) triggers reg sho for a 3rd time ..
even with all those months and months of *data perversions* to muddy the mix
curious about the timing .. imo P2O gets a handful of times each year
when timing is exquisite .. please note that current mgmt never exploits
or promotes .. which certainly can frustrate some .. but we know that 2 material
events are due next month .. the annual and MOU either converts to a DA
or gets a mutually agreed upon re: another extension or it doesn't
by my calcs that is about 4 weeks .. give or take for *interest* and
CEs' *usual* patterns re: set ups
and P2O can still file other material events .. including but not limited to:
CEO's form/s updated as CFO's were in late 2016
blending site leased
RE asset sold
DA 8k'd
here's to what P2O files next
'cause slow and steady wins this war
and her actual investors specific to PTOI
the patterns are crystal clear specific to both *volume* and tape of trades
what is interesting is with November 2016's *confirmation* via the state
of Indiana re: multiple locations and the $dollar amount aligned with just
one *site* in one state .. coupled with the analyst report issued on 12.22.16
which NON RETAILs *noted* with 12.23.16's volume
the reason is obvious .. realize that back in 2009 .. the usual OTC
stock (and by default the company) could be utilized by NON RETAIL
for cycles of money .. first the stock has to be accumulated .. that
is why one sees the *volume* done month by month in 2009 .. until PTOI's
first *illegal manipulation UP* was done in Dec 2009 ..
as i've noted many times P2O never deserved the *market* cap NON RETAIL
undertook in Dec 2009 .. but neither does P2O deserve it's current *market* cap of the last few years either ..
interestingly .. 99% of the time .. the hand off from NON RETAILs' PRO to CON (interchangeables) .. works like a charm
but what most didn't realize then .. was the hand off couldn't *work*
as was usually done because of course *many* (not all) original P2O
investors had never deposited their *restricted certs* in any brokerage firm in 2009
fast forward to May 2010 .. when WSB was 8k'd and on less than 800,000
in *volume* PTOI went from a PPS of $4 to $5 .. to below 2.00 and then
that pps would be *cut in half* in due course
because NON RETAIL had to ensure *panic* .. presumably resulting in legit sells out of actual P2O investors ..
which is why July 2010 came into play with CSTI imported to aid/abet NN
(just one of many times LONDON CAME CALLING ) ..
and the first hit piece was authored .. overlap much ..

it's also why discovery will yield NON RETAILs' CON tacts re: a letter written in Sept 2010 but not uploaded until the following August
then to let months of *air* out of an overstretched balloon PTOI saw a
round robining in 24 hours re: PPS in Dec 2010 .. from memory so it
may be off a smidge .. that would be about 70c to 1.35 back to about 75c
and so the set up and perversions against PTOI would CONtinue .. nice touch the CONtacts'
utilized for April 2011 re: NON RETAILs' *to this day* record setting
*volume* .. which took March 2011's PPS of approx 70c .. UP .. and then
carried that forward to the a PPS above 4.00 b4 triggering threshold
for the first time on PTOI .. and of course what the *goal* by then was
CEs' abusive hole was *massive* by the EO 2011 .. hence the next round
it's also why every trade on PTOI *matters* .. but so it can be easily understood
due to overlapping NON RETAIL interests .. i tend to only focus on
what has transpired since P2O was wrested back in mid August 2013
because of what transpired from Jan 2013 to last Friday ..

specifically the last illegally manipulated RUN UP on PTOI (Jan 2013
stopped out @ 1.49 because CEs' dilemma then (and remains) @ 1.50 - 1.65
which was then *reset* relentlessly .. that price point has been added to since 2013
it now includes >> 5c .. 10c .. 20c .. 35c
5.1.13 .. depo gate done to decisively break PTOI below 50c (29c from memory was hit)
and 9.30.13 .. a month + after P2O was wrested back and current CEO
$infused$ Millions .. and NON RETAILs' abusive hole was by then so deep
that instead of working their usual cycle of money UP .. on an 8K that
would be on any other targeted OTC stock/company .. *relentless* resets
commenced .. so that by the EO 2013 .. PTOI was @ 10c
in 2014 .. notable for CFO's hire and NYSDEC's issuance of multi year permits
for P2O and the ACC Executive Summary's October release showing $$$ and emerging sector
relentless resets would take 10c to 6c to 5c
in 2015 .. notable for ECO's involvement (external sales agreement)
and NON RETAILs' *set up* re: 125 00 *trades* gracing PTOI's tape as of
late August .. something become rather visible re: PTOI's YTD *volume*
the rub here is .. the majority of NON RETAILs' targeted stox have VOLUME
increasing (not decreasing) the more CEs' compress the targeted PPS DOWN
not PTOI .. it's been the exact opposite .. and that reason is because
the majority of *original* P2O investors (founders friends/family)
have long since drawn their respective lines in the sand re: their *investment*
it's why FALSE NARRATIVEs re: PTOI's FLOAT are in play .. even tho' every
one with interest knows what PTOI's RESTRICTED shows which in turn
confirms the FLOAT
and of course the other *reality* if one can find a massively targeted OTC
stock that SURVIVES into their 9th year as a publicly traded *vehicle*
odds are good that that targeted stock and company will have a blown out
IO (issued/outstanding) .. or has undergone the requisite number of R/S
(reverse splits) that NON RETAIL *resets* almost immediately (i.e. the
R/S price is *reshorted abusively* so that the R/S PPS closes *below*
where the R/S PPS originally was) .. understandably those *actions* may
part even the most dedicated investors ..
one other aspect that i find revealing .. re: 2016's YTD VOLUME
company's founder is easily sourced for DD .. and as many others did
i did so this past summer based on ?s raised .. and while i got the
confirmation .. it wasn't even *required* ... because this is *math*
had company founder sold .. PTOI would have had a 30M *volume* day
immediately followed by a 60M *volume* day .. and so it would go
and then PTOI's 10 day volume avg would be *showing* over 100M
and PTOI's pps would be no bid
because if the company's founder *sold* .. so would every one of
those *original* friends and family in place since 2008/2009
so with P2O's ability to execute (and imo it's totally worth digesting
the 3 Shareholder Updates of 2016) ..
PTOI (stock) will see a new record setting volume month

and zero doubts PTOI (stock) triggers reg sho for a 3rd time ..
even with all those months and months of *data perversions* to muddy the mix
curious about the timing .. imo P2O gets a handful of times each year
when timing is exquisite .. please note that current mgmt never exploits
or promotes .. which certainly can frustrate some .. but we know that 2 material
events are due next month .. the annual and MOU either converts to a DA
or gets a mutually agreed upon re: another extension or it doesn't
by my calcs that is about 4 weeks .. give or take for *interest* and
CEs' *usual* patterns re: set ups
and P2O can still file other material events .. including but not limited to:
CEO's form/s updated as CFO's were in late 2016
blending site leased
RE asset sold
DA 8k'd
here's to what P2O files next

'cause slow and steady wins this war

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