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Posted On: 02/24/2017 11:24:14 PM
Post# of 65629

Friday Fox Follies – The Tucker Trump Tarantella
By Headly Westerfield on Fri, Feb 24th, 2017 at 10:39 pm
A fake news story on Tucker Carlson Tonight leads to an international incident with Sweden after Emperor Trump repeats it & then blames Fox.
While compiling this week’s Friday Fox Follies, this reporter admits to being distracted by Fox “News” gushing about Emperor Trump’s latest Victory Lap, or as one of my editors so eloquently put it:
Trump Raves Like An Unhinged Lunatic Against The Press In Credibility Torching CPAC Rant. However, Fox is here to rehabilitate and what it will never tell you is How Trump’s campaign staffers tried to keep him off Twitter:
A former senior campaign official said Nunberg and his successor, former communications director Jason Miller, were particularly skilled at using alternative media like Breitbart, Washington Examiner, Fox News, Infowars and the Daily Caller to show Trump positive coverage.
And once they got the stories published, campaign officials with large numbers of Twitter followers would tweet them out.
They would also go to media amplifiers like Fox News hosts and conservative columnists to encourage them to tweet out the story so that they could print out and show a two-page list of tweets that show that they were steering the message.
Imagine that. Fox “News” allows itself to have stories planted, then amplified by their hosts, which are then used to mollify the Twitter Child.
That pipeline goes both ways. In case you were asleep this week, follow Tucker Carlson’s Swedish Meatball™:
First Carlson hosted deceptive documentarian Ami Horowitz, who falsely claimed Sweden is a Muslim hellhole, or something. This despite the fact that the police interviewed have totally denounced Horowitz as a “madman“, who replaced the questions originally asked with different questions in the editing process.
Doesn’t matter. Because the very next day Emperor Trump regurgitated the fake xenophobic news that Sweden is a Muslim hellhole, or something, which led to headlines like:
Trump Is An International Laughing Stock After
Referring To Imaginary Sweden Terror Attack
So Twitter Child blamed the Fox “News” Channel :
Donald J. Trump
✔ @realDonaldTrump
My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden
…leading to stories like, What President Trump gets wrong about immigrants and crime in Sweden:
Except it’s Fox News and not the rest of the media, that’s manufacturing fake news in this case. A cursory look at the data shows there is no immigrant-driven crime wave in Sweden. There has been no “absolute surge” in rape.
And Horowitz, the ultimate source of all this, is facing serious allegations of selectively editing footage of Swedish police officers to make it seem like they’re blaming crime on immigrants when they actually aren’t.
The American president is using the world’s largest megaphone to amplify a false panic about brown-skinned immigrants raping white women.
Consequently, Tucker & Fox have doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down. http://www.politicususa.com/2017/02/24/friday...tella.html
Tucker’s a hot property these days, but FFF has been making fun of the sanctimonious sphincter since March 27, 2015. Despite that, he’s come a long way. Especially considering he failed at every other network. Now others are echoing what I’ve been writing:
Don’t Volunteer To Be Ambushed On Television
Deceptive Editing And Actors: Tucker
Carlson’s Underhanded Practices Exposed
WATCH: Libertarian Destroys Tucker
Carlson’s Immigration Strawman
However, he’s a hypocrite, as this example from a largely negative Atlantic article, The Bow-Tied Bard of Populism, proves. It ends with:
Even as denizens of the right continue to sort out what they stand for in the Trump era, they remain united in their hatred of a common enemy, the smug elites who Carlson rails against every night. And while he may have spent his life happily living among them, he’s clearly demonstrated he has no qualms about taking them on.
“Putting smart people in charge of things is fine, but what you really want is wise people,” he tells me, and then quotes something his father used to say: “The beginning of wisdom is to know what an asshole you are.”
Either Tucker is VERY wise or he is totally self-unaware. As certain as Sweden is a Muslim hellhole, I’m sure Tucker would be a massive disappointment to his dad with this display of supreme sphincterness:
Why? He blamed his behavior on not being prepared. Got that?

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