Happy Holiday to all.
Plenty of catalyst moving forward to lift the stock. I believe we will see major upside buying pressure the latter half of January and extending into Feb and March as our drilling projects come online and start producing results.
I expect to visit the sites sometime in Jan. I can't wait to see pistol in action. We may have some results coming out of Belize in between all of these projects. Should we get positive results there, skys the limit.
I don't see much downside buying at current levels. We may have another sell down but bids are already covering any real downside action so I expect that to be minimum.
I know some have taken loses on TECO and will return throughout January.
The Fiscal Cliff (mostly a mental challenge so far) could present some downside as oil will drop should we fall off, but should quickly rebound upon a deal. If that happens the shorters will be out in force all over the market, and TECO is no exception.
We'll look at the catalyst with the next few post.