Is there really anything negative to talk about regarding this stock?
No, not really. Especially now that the SEC case is moot and obviously about to dry up. That's why they sound confused and desperate. All they have left is to mildlessly spam pacer updates concerning stuff everyone has been aware of for quite a while now, or just resort to calling the CTO names and other childish activity.
There are some comanies that are going to be seriously harmed by JBI's looming success, that's what that is all about. That's who we argue with for the most part day in and day out, people from those companies or their cohorts. Of course there's a few that just do this because they lost their money on bad trades and have sour grapes.
Now that the bash teams failure is imminent I have a hard time even participating any more over there. We need to get all the longs to come over here to post where at least the detractors can't just make up lies constantly.