It needs to be considered that "science" has been trying to solve the P53 reactivation for 40-50 years.The competition previously mentioned trying to also accomplish that leaves me with this question.
Dana Farber,et. al.,Pfizer,etc.are certainly aware of what is going on "out there"with data reports from possible contenders.
Anyone with any degree of promise could have attracted the attention(s) of these research organizations.And if they had the resources to pay for the trials,DF might consider them (No guarantee).
So why aren't the "contenders" being "subsidized" by DF,
It appears to me that CTIX data is so compelling and that others are not advanced enough in their studies/data reports to justify the attention of the DF's of the world with CTIX being the "Standout".
If (when) CTIX trials prove successful,the other companies may as well go back to making cough syrup.