While you are right, technically, it just wouldn't happen, imo. Not on the greys like that. While a market maker/company could buy/own some shares and then sell them, but there is no benefit for them to want to do that. In the position they serve they aren't going to risk their business.
It cannot be shorted, so there is no stock to cover, they can't make any money by manipulating trades and are not allowed to facilitate trading, so buying or selling such a small amount down, they could slip dangerously into the stock manipulation category.
Since a MM is an entity, not a person, they would never get away with it, and they just wouldn't do it. IMO.
It is more likely an individual or group is manipulating the trades, either working for someone who wants to keep it down, keep it down to scare some shares, or just to prove a point.
There are plenty on that board who still have a few shares left that would spend 50 dollars or less to prove whatever point they are making, just to say they were right.