3 Types of People on CTIX Investor Board:
1. "Investors": People "invested" in the company, have done their DD, believe in management . . . mission, vision, ability to execute. Passionately sold on the company's ability to deliver, patient, see the glass "half-full" . . . here until buyout of $50+ a share.
2. "Traders": People who see CTIX as a way to "turn" a few bucks. Not really interested in the company, the science, the "breakthrough" ability of the drugs. Many times act and post as "investors" but usually show their colors over a period of time...impatient for news, question management, Dana Farber, create "non-issue" problems, etc. when things aren't moving as fast as they want.
3. "Lookers": Curious about CTIX and come to a board to see "what's happening" with this stock. Sometimes ask questions and get labeled as "bashers" . . . which may, or may not be true. Often do become traders or investors and don't post.