Twas the night before Christmas and all through the board,not a poster was posting,not even the "Bored"
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,in hopes that more CTIX stocks soon would be there.
The shareholders were nestled all snug in their beds.While visions of PR's danced in their heads.
With MM's in "Jamies" and I with my "Nite-cap",just settling down for a long winter's nap.
When out on the board there arose such a clatter,I sprang from the bed to see what's the matter.
Away to the website I flew in a flash,opened up all the emails to see what had hatched.
The light off the snow made the monitor glow.With light like the midday on posts by Bio.
When what to my stock weary eyes should occur,but a miniature "streamer and 8 tiny brokers.
With a little C -E -O so lively and quick,I knew in a flash Leo's up to his tricks.
More rapid tha algorithims his orders came,as he ordered,commanded and called them by name.
"Now B-mak and Cant and V-fin and brothers we must fill these stockings while markets still slumber.
Make the stockings be full till they threaten to fall.Then dash away ,prance away,fly away all.
As stocks that before the wild rally flies,when they meet with resistance,fly to the sky.
So up to the housetops the MM's they flew,With a sleigh full of CTIX and "Good"Leo too.
And then for a moment I heard overhead,The MM's were prancing knowing their games were dead.
As I ganed my composure and turned right around,then down through the chimney "Good"Leo came down.
He was dressed in "Armani" from his head to his foot.With spectaculer patented leather boots.
A bundle of stocks in the sack on his back,Looking regal and polished that none could attack.
His eyes how they shone,his smile it was merry.His face was aglow,his countenance cheery.
His mouth was pursed shut with a purposeful lookAnd he filled up the stockings in all of their nooks.
The shares that fell out he held tight as he reached to press on his nose and start his retreat.
He had a strong face and a full little belly as investors had left him milk toast and jelly.
He was jolly and cheerful befitting the elf,and I laughed when he left cause I wasn't myself.
He was purposeful,prompt knowing what was ahead.And he winked at me wryly to say do not dread.
As I say he spoke not but went straight to the work.Filled all of the stockings and then with a smirk ,pressed his nose with his finger and giving a nod,up the chimney he rose and then he was gone.
Springing into his sleigh,giving MM's the whistle,flying into the night while investors stil nestled.
But I heard him exclaim as went through the night.Many PR's are coming !!! Your futures are bright!!!
Merry Christmas everybody!!